Every student in grades 6-12 automatically has an account in StudentSquare based on their school email address. Students receive messages via email, but there are other ways to get StudentSquare messages: students can add their cell number to receive text messages, or they can download the StudentSquare app (iOS and Android) and receive notifications.
Download the StudentSquare app
Download the FREE StudentSquare app for iOS or Android. This is the easiest way for you to receive all Posts, Events, Sign Up Requests, Photos and Files. You can enable text notifications when a message is posted.
Use the camera on your phone to scan the QR codes below - it takes you directly to the App or Google Play store.
iOS App
| Android App
After you download and install the StudentSquare app to your device, you can enter your school email address in the top area. The sign-in with Google option may not work at this time. You can also sign in using the website:
If you have difficulty registering for StudentSquare, please contact Seth Roy by emailing
[email protected], with the subject line: StudentSquare Registration help. Please include your student’s name, school and grade level in the email.