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Our Schools

Gifted Services

“Gifted” students, in the state of Ohio, are those students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment and who are identified as Gifted under the Ohio Revised Code.

Newark City Schools accepts referrals, screens and identifies students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability (math, reading, science, social studies), creative thinking ability, and visual or performing arts.

Newark City Schools ensures equal opportunity for all district students identified as gifted to receive any services offered by the district for which the student meets the criteria.

NCS is currently utilizing the Licking Regional ESC for gifted services, gifted screening, and other support services for students. NCS is the primary lead, but you may see letters and screening applications that have the LRESC letterhead on them. These will still be sent to the NCS Gifted Department at the Administrative Service Center.

For more information about Gifted identification and services at Newark City Schools, please contact:

(740) 670-7057