Board Policy 5630.01
- Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports and Limited Use of Restraint and Seclusion
- Definitions
- Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
- Seclusion
- Restraint
- Additional Prohibited Practices
- Contact Law Enforcement and/or emergency response personnel
- Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan
- Training and Professional Development
- Monitoring and Complaint Procedures
- Required Data and Reporting
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports and Limited Use of Restraint and Seclusion
The Board is committed to the District-wide use of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports ("PBIS") with students and the establishment of a school environment focused on the care, safety, and welfare of all students and staff members. Student Personnel shall work to prevent the need for the use of restraint and/or seclusion. PBIS shall serve as the foundation for the creation of a learning environment that promotes the use of evidence-based behavioral interventions, thus enhancing academic and social behavioral outcomes for all students. An emphasis shall be placed on promoting positive interventions and solutions to potential conflicts. PBIS emphasizes prevention of student behavior problems through the use of non-aversive techniques, which should greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the need to use restraint and/or seclusion.
Professional staff members and support staff determined appropriate by the Superintendent are permitted to physically restrain and/or seclude a student, but only when there is immediate risk of physical harm to the student and/or others, there is no other safe and effective intervention possible, and the physical restraint or seclusion is used in a manner that is age and developmentally appropriate and protects the safety of all children and adults at school.
All restraint and seclusion shall only be done in accordance with this policy, which is based on the standards adopted by the State Board of Education regarding the use of student restraint and seclusion.
Training in methods of PBIS and the use of restraint and seclusion will be provided to all professional staff and support staff determined appropriate by the Superintendent. Training will be in accordance with the State’s Standards. Only school staff who are trained in permissible seclusion and physical restraint measures shall use such techniques.
Every use of restraint and seclusion shall be documented and reported in accordance with this policy.
The Board shall annually notify parents of this policy, and publish it on the District’s website.
Prescribed by a licensed physician, or other qualified health professional acting under the scope of the professional’s authority under Ohio law, for the standard treatment of a student’s medical or psychiatric condition; and
Administered as prescribed by the licensed physician or other qualified health professional acting under the scope of the professional’s authority under Ohio law.
Functional behavior assessment ("FBA") is a collaborative problem-solving process that is used to describe the "function" or purpose that is served by a student’s behavior. Understanding the r to achieve improved academic and social outcomes, and increase learning for all students. PBIS encompasses a range of systemic and individualized positive strategies to reinforce desired behaviors, diminish reoccurrences of challenging behaviors, and teach appropriate behaviors to students.
restraints for medical immobilization;
adaptive devices or mechanical supports used to allow greater freedom of mobility than would be possible without the use of such devices or mechanical supports; or
vehicle safety restraints when used as intended during the transport of a student in a moving vehicle.
a biological or adoptive parent;
a guardian generally authorized to act as the child’s parent, or authorized to make decisions for the child (but not the State if the child is a ward of the State);
an individual acting in the place of a biological or adoptive parent (including a grandparent, stepparent, or other relative) with whom the child lives, or an individual who is legally responsible for the child’s welfare;
a surrogate parent who has been appointed in accordance with A.C. 3301-51-05-(E); or
any person identified in a judicial decree or order as the parent of a child or the person with authority to make educational decisions on behalf of the child.
break up a fight;
knock a weapon away from a student’s possession;
calm or comfort;
assist a student in completing a task/response if the student does not resist the contact; or
prevent an impulsive behavior that threatens the student’s immediate safety (e.g., running in front of a car).
Positive Behavior Support Plan means the design, implementation and evaluation of individual or group instructional and environmental modifications, including programs of behavioral instruction, to produce significant improvements in behavior through skill acquisition and the reduction of problematic behavior.
Prone restraint means physical or mechanical restraint while the student is in the face-down position for an extended period of time.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
school staff trained to identify conditions such as where, under what circumstances, with whom and why specific inappropriate behavior may occur;
preventative assessments that include:
review of existing data;
interviews with parents, family members, and students; and
examination of previous and existing behavioral intervention Plans.
development and implementation of preventative behavioral interventions, and the teaching of appropriate behavior, including:
modification of environmental factors that escalate inappropriate behavior;
supporting the attainment of appropriate behavior; and
use of verbal de-escalation to defuse potentially violent dangerous behavior.
continually observe the student in seclusion for indications of physical or mental distress and seek immediate medical assistance if there is a concern;
use verbal strategies and research-based de-escalation techniques in an effort to help the student regain control as quickly as possible;
remove the student from seclusion when the immediate risk of physical harm to the student and/or others has dissipated;
assess the student for injury or psychological distress after the use of seclusion, and monitor the student as needed following the incident;
conduct a debriefing including all involved staff to evaluate the trigger for the incident, staff response, and methods to address the student’s behavioral needs; and
complete all required reports and document their observations of the student.
for the convenience of staff;
as a substitute for an educational program;
as a form of discipline or punishment;
as a substitute for less restrictive alternatives;
as a substitute for inadequate staffing;
as a substitute for staff training in positive behavior supports and crisis prevention and intervention;
as a means to coerce, retaliate, or in a manner that endangers a student; or
if it deprives the student of basic needs.
continually observe the student in restraint for indications of physical or mental distress and seek immediate medical assistance if there is a concern;
use verbal strategies and research-based de-escalation techniques in an effort to help the student regain control;
remove the student from physical restraint immediately when the immediate risk of physical harm to the student and/or others has dissipated;
assess the student for injury or psychological distress after the use of physical restraint, and monitor the student as needed following the incident;
conduct a debriefing including all involved staff to evaluate the trigger for the incident, staff response, and methods to address the student’s behavioral needs; and
complete all required reports and document their observations of the student.
prone restraint as defined in Executive Order 2009-13 (which defines prone restraint to mean "all items or measures used to limit or control the movement or normal functioning of any portion, or all, of an individual’s body while the individual is in a face-down position for an extended period of time");
physical restraint that restricts the airway of a student or obstructs the student’s ability to breathe;
physical restraint that impacts the student’s primary mode of communication;
restraint of preschool-age students, except for holding a child for a short period of time, such as in a protective hug, so that the child may regain control;
restraint that deprives the student of basic needs;
restraint that unduly risks serious harm or needless pain to the student, including physical restraint that involves the intentional, knowing, or reckless use of any of the following techniques:
using any method that is capable of causing loss of consciousness or harm to the neck or restricting/obstructing respiration in any way;
pinning down the student by placing knees to the torso, head and/or neck of the student;
using pressure points, pain compliance, or joint manipulation;
dragging or lifting of the student by the hair or ear or by any type of mechanical restraint;
using other students or untrained staff to assist with the hold or restraint; or
securing the student to another student or to a fixed object.
mechanical restraint (that does not include devices used by trained student personnel, or by a student, for the specific and approved therapeutic or safety purposes for which such devices were designed and, if applicable, prescribed); or
chemical restraint (which does not include medication administered as prescribed by a licensed physician).
Additional Prohibited Practices
Contact Law Enforcement and/or emergency response personnel
Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan
Training and Professional Development
Monitoring and Complaint Procedures
Required Data and Reporting
documented in writing;
reported to the building administration immediately;
reported to the parent immediately; and
documented in a written report.