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Our Schools

The Arts

Newark High School has a long history and tradition of successful arts programs, performing and displaying artwork throughout the community and at the school itself.
Our band, choir and orchestra programs continue to be recognized statewide for their excellence.

Music at Newark City Schools


Newark High School drama performs multiple plays throughout the year, culminating with the traditional spring musical. In recent years, the group has performed Wonderland, Cinderella, Singin' in the Rain and more.


Susan Bowen

NHS Intervention Specialist, Drama Director

Visual Arts

Newark High School also offers many courses in a variety of Visual Arts, including art foundations, photography, drawing, design, ceramics, sculpture, painting, and art history. Student artwork has been displayed around the community, including at River Road and the Licking County Arts. Students have also been featured in the Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibit, the OCC Art Show and the Scholastic Art Show.
The visual arts’ year culminates in a districtwide public art show in the spring in the Hub at Newark High School.

Melinda Buchholz

NHS Art Teacher

Janella Caudill

NHS Art Teacher

Thomas King

NHS Art Teacher

Kathy Lorenz

NHS Art Teacher

Fine Arts Contact

Vicki Howe

Fine Arts Secretary